Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Worst Blogger Ever

Okay so I am probably the worst blogger ever. I have been out for a little over a year and here is why:
I have a KINDERGARDENER! I cant believe it my little man started and is almost about to graduate from kindergarden! What when did that happen!
My brother moved out of our house into a new house that makes our house look like a shack...SO I am a little bit jealous!
I am attempting to start potty training my almost two year old.
And I had another baby! WHAT???? Moxxie Kaitlyn was born on March 3, 2014.Seven pounds Eleven ounces. I think she fell out. She was the tinniest baby yet.
Yeah so busy has been an understatement. I am however going to try to do better with this blog, and in fact, in a desperate attempt to get my home organized better I am going to use this blog to help with that.
I know I do not have many followers but any assistance from anyone with ideas for getting and keeping a home organized would be greatly appreciated.
SO that I dont go completely bat SH@! crazy I think I am going to do this in steps starting with our dreaded sunroom. I had my hubs transform our screened in porch with half of the screens riped into an actual room a couple of years ago, and it turned out quiet nice after NINE months. I call it his baby because he originally told me it would take a few weeks, well.....in man language that apparently meant NINE months.
Well instead of being a beautiful room I go to to watch my children play outside, sew, craft, or play with the kiddos it has become a dumping ground. Im not even sure what all is out there. So that is where I plan to start- Tommorow!.


No really I am going to start working on it tomorrow. I will post pictures of the horror it has become, and what I plan on doing to fix it and hopefully pictures of the after, along with pictures of our new baby girl and the family so if your out there stay posted! And send any tips you think will help

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Okay so....News Years resolution went a whole whopping week! I think that is actually a day longer than last year, so with new year comes growth right?

ULTIMATE FAILURE over here. Although I did go to church three weeks in a row, and one Saturday, but kinda got slack one Sunday and slept in, and it was like a gateway to not going! BOOO me!

The Firm: Well I sucessfully got thru the first workout.
The Firm Express: Get Thin in 30 (13 DVD Set) - 1 ea
The Ignite Session: With the blonde haired chick on the end there. I Understand it is twenty minutes full of workouts but seriously they got to slow her down. She was like the Energizer bunny with a jetpack on Crack! I think I had to rewind it six times just to catch up. (And I am not retarded I can follow a workout) I do have to say though it was a good workout but I just think they rushed it alot. IF they would just tell her to cool it on the coke and redbull before the workout I think it would have been fine.
On the EPIC Fail side I did one workout and then havent had the energy or motivation to start the second DVD. GO me with the New Years Resolution.
MOTIVATION: I do have a wedding I have to be in and after seeing myself in the bridesmaid dress, yeah its time to kick it in the high gear and get out of the fat pants!
SEW WHAT!-My  next project...I bought a pattern. A pattern from Hobby Lobby for a baby girl dress (It was 99 cents I couldnt pass it up!) And dun dunda duh, I actually completed it! YAH ME! PS. This sewing crap is tough. There is a lot of flipping it inside and outside and ironing (which I hate). So points for me, and I actually enjoyed it so I am going to make another one, because the first one was trial and error with crappy fabric (that way I didnt feel too bad if I didnt get it right)!
Pictures to come soon I promise!
Upcoming Blogs:
5 Year old Birthday Alert- ARMY PARTY
8 Month Old Update
Dress it up-A dress with Details
Spring into Action-

Monday, January 14, 2013


So the New Year has come and there was no Mayan Apocolapsye. So it is time for me to reveal my New Years Resolution, and this blog will serve as a way to help keep me on track with it.

So my New Years Resolutions were

1. GO TO CHURCH EVERY WEEK this Year. I know it seems like a lot but NO its not, and after having neglected this in the previous year I feel like a totally terrible parent. I want my children to know God, and Jesus. So I am resolving to go to Church every week. Note this does not mean I have to go to my church but if we are fortunate enough to go on vacation this year we can attend a church in the area. 52 weeks in the year so 52 attendancings to Church. 52 opportunities for my children and myself, and hopefully Taylor too, to come closer to the Lord.

2. To GET MY FATT BUTT into shape. After my daughters birth I immediately knew I did not want to sit around and do nothing to get the weight that I gained with her and my son off, but wanna know what I have done since she has been born? ................ (Hear those crickets churping...yeah) NOTHING. NADA. I have eaten more, and thought in my head its okay your breastfeeding the weight will come off. NOPE it hasn't and I have been asked on several occasions by different people when the baby is due. To which I replied, "ALREADY had her, Im just fat." NO MORE of that.

So I do not believe in fad diets or pills, or any crazy bs like that. I am a you want it earn it kinda girl, so I am going to EXERCISE it off. I have ordered my first go round on the exercise train:                                                     
Download The Firm Express - Get Thin in 30! ebook (pdf)

The Firm Express Get thin in 30, and I am going to put it to the test. I look at this and I have to laugh a little I went to school with Rebekah Sturkie, her name was Rebekah Alexander then but I remember her. We actually had a Chemistry class together in high school.   I will be using this first, and Using the blog as a online record keeper as to how it works and if it works. And even though I do not want to post my before pictures and weight I feel I must.....so CRINGing aside here it goes.

(Gah I wish I edited these...UGH!!)

Now just because I don't believe in diets, because I do not believe they last long term doesnt mean I won't be changing the way I eat...A LITTLE. I will dum down from three sodas a day to one and water for the rest of the day (double gulp dreading this one). Hoping this will help immensely. Food wise I will be smarter and try out new recipes but overall the way I eat is the way I eat, so I will not change it up too much. SO no NO CARBs, NO FAT, stuff. But I will lighten up on the cookies, cakes and doughnuts.

If in my opinion I give the firm its shot and it Sucks or Does not work its magic then I will move on and keep you posted.

3. Spend more time with the kids. This is one that I am 100% looking forward to keeping. In 2013 my resolution is to turn the television off more and get on the floor and play with Exie and Jax. Take them to the park, walks around the neighborhood, Monkie Joes (and be the parent in the bouncie-yeah I am that girl). With all the technology out there I feel like instead of getting closer with family we sit together but we don't really interact and I am not about to be one of those parents. I want to be the in the dirt MOM. The cool mom because she doesnt just go home crash on the sofa and let the tv do the parenting.

4. Saving a little bit of money. So this one is tough, and despite my need to go and check out every sale in our town I just have to refrain and put a little bit of money in the bank, if not for a rainy day, for a new car, or for when we want to purchase a new home, or remodel our current one. SO SAVING money I must do.

5. PAYING OFF CREDIT CARDS. this one kinda goes with the above but I have got to get rid of the credit cards, and while tough to pass on the oh so gotta have item of the day, I will have to try and refrain from useing my handy little card that means I don't ahve to have the money right now. I need to get rid of these EVIL things, so its on the list.

Thats it just five resolutions. Five. Will I be able to keep them????I guess we will have a year together to find out!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

6 Months and Counting

January 13th, 2013

6 Months Old

Exie Madison where has the time gone. I swear yesterday you were still in my tummy and mommy was allowed to eat whatever she wanted. But now you are hear and loving eating whatever you want.  You are a big girl. You are long (tall), and still have your baby hair (mommy is exstatic that you aren’t bald), no teeth yet, and still have those blue eyes (mommy prays you will keep them).

People are starting to say more and more that you look like me. I still do not see it. You are the spitting image of your brother at your age, and he was the spitting image of your daddy.

Some of your favorite foods include:
Mommy’s Boob…You are still breast feeding, you have managed to go down to four times a day.  But on weekends you are extra hungry and boost back up to six times a day, maybe you think mommy is being lazy on weekends or something.

Mommy’s Hair, you love to grab hold of it while you are eating and twirl it in your hand and put it in your mouth.  I love when you grab right behind my neck when we are walking, like you are trying to be sly and just put it in your mouth. It hilarious and makes you smile your biggest no teeth smile.

Green Beans, Sweet Potatos, Bananas, Peaches, Pears, Peas, Carrots, Apples, and Squash, you have tried all of these and have loved each one your facial expressions when you get a new taste are hilarious. When cannot get a big enough spoon, and we cannot get it into your mouth fast enough. There has not been a food that you haven’t liked.

Because you do not have teeth yet, Mommy and Daddy have been hesitant to let you try puffies. But we did let you try them last week and boy did you LOVE them. You had Happy Baby Sweet Potato Puffs, and after the initial dropping them in your lap and missing your mouth completely, your older brother Jaxson stepped in and helped you try one. YOU LOVED IT. AND HE LOVED giving it to you.

Apple Juice, we just recently started to introduce a little flavor to your water, Mommy and Daddy don’t want you hooked on sugar, so we put half of an ounce of apple juice into your 4 ounce bottle. But boy did you notice the difference. I have never seen you drink water so fast.

Favorite Activities:

You just started daycare this week on January 7th, after staying with Grammy for almost three months, Mommy was afraid you would be scared and hate daycare, but Mommy has visited you everyday at lunch, and you seem to be just fine!  Truth be told I think you have a little boyfriend. When mommy tries to feed you, you keep looking back at the little boy who sleeps in the crib next to you.

You love to Squeal, and raspberry! Lots of squeals and raspberries but no real words yet. Although I swear you said HI to me the other day!

EVERY SINGLE Toy that you have ends up in your mouth. Yours or not. So do your feet, Mommy just wishes she was still that flexible because you make it look so fun. You got a butterfly ball spinner for Christmas from Uncle Jay and you are mesmerized by it.

You are rolling over. ALL the time, and everywhere.  On the changing table, on the bed, on the floor, in your crib, while still in your swaddler. You love rolling over on your tummy. You are trying to scoot, but to no avail, although I think it is only a matter of time.

Uncle Justin got you a Bumbo seat and tray and we have put you in it several times and you just love being able to sit up by your self and play/eat your toys.

You do take a pacifier, but don’t really need it, when you are awake because you always have your fingers or sleeves or something in your mouth, I think those four baby teeth are going to be here soon, but we have been saying that for three months now.

Bath time- Is your favorite time. You love splashing in the water and until recently you got a bath at Grammy and Gumpy’s everday at three thirty. Grammy called it spa time. But starting daycare this week you haven’t had that and I think you miss it, because mommys tub is a lot different than Grammy’s.  Your brother and Mommy took a bath with you this week, and it was a lot of fun but different for you I could tell. I might have been a little overwhelming.


You are still sleeping thru the night. I have been so lucky with you and Jaxson, from about three to four weeks both of you slept thru the night.

You like to be swaddled, and Uncle Jay and Daddy both joke that you look like you are in a baby straight jacket but, it keeps you snuggled, and helps you sleep thru the night so I will put you in that thing until you tell me not to. You do like your paci when first laying down but usually spit it out about ten minutes later.


Mommy is your best good buddy.
Jaxson is your BESTEST good buddy.
Boy does that little boy love you. He is constantly right there in your face. LITERALLY. I have to tell him about thirty times a day “don’t get in her face bud.” But he loves you to death, and will get down on the floor and lay with you and play with you. He likes to be there when we change your diaper (I thought it was a little weird but) telling us if you pooped or peed. He likes the diapers that change colors when you do your business. He will run and tell us “mommy EXIE pooped the diaper is green, or mommy EXIE peed the diaper is blue. It cracks us up.
He also likes to play zomnies with you. He is your protector from momnie zomnie and daddy zomnie. You squeal in delight when he is there. Only sometimes will he pull to hard on your little limbs and you cry to let us know. At which point he gives you smoochie kisses and all is better.

My predictions are that you will Walk before you crawl, but will not stop moving once you have figured either one of them out.  I am still hoping that first word will be Mommy, or brother, or some variation.  

In the six months you have been with us Exie Madison we have loved you. You have been such a blessing and I can’t wait to see how you change and how you grow in the next few months.

Thursday, January 10, 2013


I know I know where did I go.

Having kids is hard enough, but trying to wrestle two kids, two jobs, daycare, school, friends, friends weddings, parties, and playdates, well the blog just fell to the back burner but here are a few photos I snapped a few months back so I thought I would share...and I promise to get better with the blogging...

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Okay so if you know me you happen to know that I know absolutely NOTHING about soccer.

Yep thats right jack poo about soccer. I have never played, and I have no skills when it comes to soccer. Yes I can run, but kick the ball and keep it within some lines its not my strong suit!

So I was excited to get my son Jaxson envolved in a boy sport. A sport with some running, because mommy needs Jaxson to go to sleep on time!!! So SOCCER it is. We registered him and went off to the field for him to meet his coach. COACH RALPH he said he has coached soccer for some time, and that he was coaching four teams this season so he is busy but would love coaching U6. Awesome, right?

So why is it that when I am in social settings I tend to get volunteered  for things, maybe I just have a volunteery face or something. But I apparently volunteered to be the assistant Coach to my son's soccer team. YEP this girl who know absolutely nothing about soccer. Run Kick, Run Kick, God help me if these have to be done together, I don't believe I am that coordinated!

Well last Sunday we had our first game, which was awesome because Jaxson missed the first practice because mommy missed the first email, but for a kid who has never played Jaxson did alright. (MOMMY BRAG-HE WAS AWESOME)

So last night was the first time mommy Coached the team. And it was nothing short of awesome if I do say so myself. I LOVED every minute of it. I got to work with five of the kids from his team on different things, and not just running them back and forth from the goal! So stinking fun.

We apparently had another parent step up and volunteer to assist the assistant, which was awesome! We played a little duck duck goose, and bit of soccer ball tag all while teaching little kicks and keeping the ball within the square. So just goes to show ME that something that I thought was going to be a hassle really wasn't. It reminded me how much fun I had teaching.

Couple of Picts from the game
Wait until the whistle to go wait until the whistle to go.
OMG the whistle is never gonna blow!
I really don't like waiting on that durn whistle!
AHH they blew the whistle and I missed it. Gotta go get the ball...DSC_0849_zps956c95cf
Okay so I am gonna get behind the girls they got this...
Now I got it. Kick the ball, here I go


Its in there now what do we do????

Soccers Over?


Thursday, September 13, 2012



1. Tell us your favorite baby names? Aside from your own babies, if you have some :)
Girl Names                       Boy Names
Exie                                   Jaxson
Alexandra                         Wyatt
Ariel                                  Maddox
Elaina                                Knox
Isabella                               Lawson
2. Show me your "dream" nursery {can be your baby's nursery or one that you love}

3. How many children would you like to have? How far apart?

Four. I settled on this one. I used to tell my mom that I wanted nine kids. She looked at me like I was crazy. Well after having some I think I can handle four. I really want twins too, this also brought out the crazy face in my mother, but I just think it would be awesome to have two at one time. Just not nine pounders!!!!!
4. Tell us what you think the importance of parenting is?

LOVE. Showing your kids everyday just how special and how loved they are. Never letting them go to bed without whispering in the ears "I love you a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck; too the moon and back!" Just making sure that they know you are going to stand beside/behind/around them wherever it is they want, but you are there, supporting them in their decisions with LOVE.
Guidance, helping them make choices that are good, and good for them.

5. Show us your favorite newborn photo {can be your children or random}
6.  Tell us some things you promise to never do as a parent {and if you are a parent, did you stick to it}
           I promised myself that I would never make situations all about me. I would never take my children to the store for something they needed and end up getting something for myself. I also promised myself that i would give my children every opportunity to do things..Gymnastics, karate, soccer, football, dance...I may have to work six jobs but I will make sure they can do these things.
           So far I have kept to this, although I am sure it is going to get harder when Exie gets bigger.
Jax is starting soccer this week, and cannot wait. He will be back in gymnastics come December! And is begging me to start him in karate. That will be when he officially turns five, I do have my limits!